Yesterday I went to Epcot to see The Chew and had a fantastic time!
Honestly, this event presented me a decent amount of stress. I signed up the day I heard about it because I happen to really enjoy that show, but was immediately wait listed. I didn't think much else about it after that until I received an email one night saying I'd been taken off the wait list and added to the confirmed list! Yay me!
I had signed up for the maximum amount of tickets, thinking I'd have no trouble finding people who wanted to go with me... wrong!
The people I knew either had to work, or just didn't watch The Chew and saw no worth in this event. I had one dear friend set from the get go, but that was it.
Along the way I realized,
for me, it wasn't about just giving away these tickets, I wanted to spend time with people I enjoyed too. At some point along the way, I realized that park tickets came with the taping tickets and I wanted to take both my kids, Sadly, with their different anxiety issues, in the end, both were willing to go, but I saw that it was putting undue stress on them, so I let them off the hook and simply released two tickets back to the pool.
So my friend and I got there bright and early for the noon taping. We were told to check in by 10:30. When we got there, everything was well organized, check in was a breeze, but we were told the taping had been delayed and now we didn't need check in until 12:15 and that we should go and enjoy the park until then.
So off we went.
When we came back to check in, we were told it was now a 12:45 check in, but there was a line already forming, so we just went ahead and got in it. Wow, was it hot yesterday! We had a breeze which was nice, and thankfully, I had an umbrella with me which we used for shade while we waited or we may not have made it! lol
The taping wasn't different from what I expected, I've been on a lot of sets from game shows to feature films, but I had forgotten how it's not a performance you're there to watch, you're there to work!
The episode I was at will air next Tuesday the 13th and I feel like I need to watch it, just to see what I was a part of. You can't hear the hosts much of the time, because while they may be miked, that mike is for the taping, it is not amplified so you can actually hear them and over the sounds of the applause and elicited laughter and such, it was hard to hear most of what was going on.
The warm up guy, RC Smith was fantastic! He works harder than probably anyone else there. It's his job not just to explain what's happening to a bunch of people who have no clue, but to keep the energy up and the crowd engaged throughout the taping. Maybe it comes easy to him, but to me, it looked like a lot of hard work!
The production was all very organized of course and things moved very quickly. The celebrity guest was Alfonso Ribeiro. he cooked a chicken stew with Clinton Kelly that was served in a baked pumpkin, I'll definitely be rerieving that recipe when it goes live on The Chew site!
We got to watch a pre-taped segment with Carla Hall where she took a family all around Epcot tasting things and from that we all got a free package of Werther's soft caramels to take home!
I think the best part was when Michael Simon and Mario Batali had a cook off... wow you really do miss a lot watching on TV and by that, I meant the smell!!
Oh I do love cooking and that was such a treat to have two amazing chefs right there cooking in front of us and to be able to smell that creation, even if there was no tasting it, was still a true gift.
One of the biggest surprises of the day for me was Carla Hall.
As I was there, I watched everyone on the cast and crew, as well as the audience. As I love people watching, it was a great opportunity and one of the things I really walked away from yesterday with, was how much I love this lady. I lover her heart, her spirit, her energy.
I couldn't take my eyes off her In between each segment they taped, as they're breaking down the set, moving in and out furniture, RC has the audience clapping to the music and is entertaining us. Clinton, Michael Simon and Mario all stayed up at the sets, for the most part, they conversed with the producers and crew, but not Carla. She spent every break out in the audience, dancing with us. She made her way around the entire area, connecting with people. It was obvious, she loved the people.
And I loved that.
I've been feeling rather depressed recently over people, society, however you want to put it. It seems more and more we're forgetting compassion and becoming way to self involved. Watching Carla's love shower down on all these strangers, it touched me.
The other part of my new admiration for the lady, is the plain fact that this amazing, kind, loving, energetic, happy woman, is older than me, yet I watched her ability to do things with her body, dancing-wise, that I can not do anymore. I was a dancer all my life and to see where I've ended up, not happy. So I let Carla's energy and power she has in her body inspire me too! I want more, from my body, from my life and yesterday's Chew taping really set some things in motion for me.
I am doing a lot of shifting, stepping into myself in a new way, letting go of things I just can't carry with me anymore and in Carla, I saw something of light and love, and it was like god saying, I know it's dark where you are right now, but you aren't alone, come this way, you'll be okay.
Maybe this makes no sense, but this woman has a special place in my heart today and I'm very grateful.
All in all another blissful, beautiful and rewarding Disney day that ended with a sampling from the Dominican Republic with their Lechón asado: Roasted pork with mangú, pickled red onion and avocado. Mangu may be my new favorite thing. I've already looked up the recipe and it's super simple, so this dish will definitely be finding it's way into my kitchen soon!
I guess that's it for this edition of My Disney Today, but tomorrow is another day and I'm Magic Kingdom bound so stay tuned, always follow your heart, and thanks for reading my little blog.
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